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Plaintiff was sitting near the defendants pool when, all of the sudden and with out warning, a palm tree collapsed, crushing Ms.
Landrys hand, in response to the lawsuit. When you might have a pool that is close to a lake a palm tree is the right characteristic to position between these two our bodies of water. Will originally purchased these from an area nursery in 1996, and they have endured -2 degrees F, unprotected in the bottom.
Many palm trees even cold hardy palm trees when launched to the cold weather will go right into a state of shock because it is not adapted. Usually when palm trees die they only end up as massive sticks, so even if it begins dying I really doubt it's going to immediately fall into you house.
Unless, after all, you had other estimates and just went with the most cost effective without taking a look at any of their skills and even ensuring they have been liscensed, ..
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